
3 numerology meaning
3 numerology meaning

There are two heredity numbers to calculate, the surname of your father and the surname of your mother. Your last name calculation represents your Heredity number and the power of your family lineage. This number, and the energy it represents, is the first energy people most often feel when they greet you and you greet them. Since most people have first, middle and last names, the calculation of the first name is your Active number.


You can read the full explanation of Destiny Numbers on the pages linked from the basic meanings below: Destiny Numberįind a Way to Serve Where There is a NeedĪchieve a Spiritual Path to Guide Other SpirituallyĪdditional special calculations reveal more depth in your personality. Having nicknames or shortening your name for practical purposes shapes your destiny in subtle ways. And as you might correctly assume, changing your name can modify your destiny.

3 numerology meaning

The full name of a business indicates its destiny. Your full birth name indicates your destiny. This numerology applies to any “named” entity, not just people, but businesses and countries. Your Destiny Number is your full birth certificate name letters added up and reduced to a single number or master number. Your Destiny Number is the numerical total of your full birth name. To get the full picture of your name it is necessary to calculate and look at the numerology of your first name, the surname of your parents (mother and father), the vowels total in your name, and the consonants total in your name. It is rather easy to calculate your life path number it is simply the total of your birthday reduced to a single digit. Master Disrupting Systems at the Right Time and in the Right WayĬalculate Your Life Path and Destiny Number Calculate Your Life Path Number Master a Creative Skill that Serves Others Master the Connection between Wisdom and Action

3 numerology meaning

Master a Talent that Fills a Need in Society Master the Skill of Travel and Learning from Other Cultures Master the Use of Tools and Building Things You can read the full explanation of each Life Path Number on the pages linked from the basic meanings below: Life Path It determines the skill sets and the natural talents a person will excel in, gravitate towards, and attempt to master. The Life Path Number is the leading number in the life of an individual. Numbers, therefore, show us the universal law, “As Above, so Below As Below, so Above”. In other words, it can explain what happens in the material world by applying the cosmic laws of the universe. It lets you find a relationship between microcosm and macrocosm. In general, numerology interprets numbers as a manifestation of an explanation for universal order. All these brilliant cultures developed their own kind of numerology, following similar numerological principles, but using different methods of calculation. Calculations focus on numbers 1 to 8, which are mundane numbers, while the number 9 is a holy number, and not used in calculations.Īncient Egyptian, Chinese, and Hindi civilizations used numerology.

3 numerology meaning

Gematria systemĬhaldean numerology is the oldest form, developed by the Babylonians between 40 BC. When translated into the English alphabet, the numbering is done 1 to 7 back to 1 twice, as shown below. It assigns numbers to the Jewish alphabet. Gematria is from the ancient Jewish tradition of the mystical interpretation of the Holy Bible. Below are the Pythagorean system number assignments for the letters of the alphabet. Pythagoras the Greek (580 BCE – 495 BCE) developed the system of numerology most used today. Numerology existed in the earliest civilizations and has three primary systems in use in modern western society: Pythagorean, Gematria, and Chaldean.

3 numerology meaning